Mar 18 Nov 2014     

Annunciato il rilascio di PC-BSD 10.1

The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 10.1.

Highlights: KDE 4.14.2, GNOME 3.12.2, Cinnamon 2.2.16, Chromium 38.0.2125.104, Firefox 33.1, NVIDIA Driver 340.24, Lumina desktop 0.7.1-beta, pkg 1.3.8; new AppCafe HTML5 web/remote interface for both desktop and server usage; new CD-sized text-installer ISO files for TrueOS and server deployments; new Centos 6.6 Linux emulation base; new HostAP mode for WiFi GUI utilities; UEFI support for boot and installation; automatic tuning of ZFS memory usage at install time; support for full-disk (GELI) encryption without an unencrypted /boot partition (also on mirror/raidz setups!); new VirtualBox, VMware and RAW disk images of desktop and server installations.

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Mer 07 Mar 2012     

Presentata al CeBIT 2012 in corso ad Hannover dal suo creatore Klaus Knopper la nuova versione della distribuzione linux (LiveCD/LiveDVD) Knoppix, Knoppix 7.0.

New in version 7.0
  • Version 7.0 of Knoppix is based on the usual picks from Debian stable (squeeze) and testing (wheezy), with newer package versions especially for desktop applications. It uses kernel 3.2.4 and xorg 7.6 (core for supporting current computer
  • experimental free  Nouveau graphics modules supporting NVidia cards, accelerated graphics via kernel mode settings (KMS),
  • LibreOffice 3.4.5,
  • Chromium 16.0.912.77 and Firefox/Iceweasel 10.0 Web Browser,
  • Optional 64-bit Kernel via boot option "knoppix64", supporting systems with more than 4GB of RAM and chroot to 64-bit installations for system rescue tasks (DVD version only).
  • Boot option "grub", for starting a bootloader shell in system rescue tasks.
  • ADRIANE: Version 1.4 of the audio desktop framework, now using cuneiform as engine for text recognition of scanned texts, enhanced support for several cellphone models via gammu (SMS function).
  • Viacam  for controlling the mouse cursor by movement of head or hand using the builtin webcam.

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Mer 07 Mar 2012     

NVidia è entrata a far parte della Linux Foundation, organizzazione no-profit dedicata a promuovere la crescita di Linux. NVidia si va così ad aggiungere a Intel e AMD che sono soci da tempo della fondazione. Altri soci di rilievo della Linux Foundation sono IBM, Google, Oracle, Cisco, Adobe, Samsung, Siemens. Al momento non è ancora chiaro se questo comporterà delle modifiche nella politica di NVidia sui driver, NVidia ha finora rilasciato driver proprietari per le sue schede grafiche sotto Linux.

Gio 23 Feb 2012     

Rilasciati i driver nVidia ForceWare 295.73 WHQL, download da questa pagina

This is the first WHQL-certified driver from the R295 family of drivers. It is the recommended upgrade for all GeForce users, especially those playing the latest hot PC games like Battlefield 3Diablo IIIMass Effect 3, or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. These drivers come packed with GeForce-exclusive performance and quality enhancements and are now Microsoft WHQL-certified.

R295 Highlight Summary
New features and performance since last WHQL-certified driver

  • Game-changing performance boost of up to 45% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, "the fastest selling title inSteam's history"
  • Up to 2x performance Mass Effect 3 with SLI technology.
  • GeForce-exclusive quality enhancements with ambient occlusion support for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Diablo III, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • New 3D Vision and SLI profiles for over 50 titles.
  • New PhysX software for the best experience in top PhysX titles like Alice: Madness Returns and Batman: Arkham City.
Ven 07 Ott 2011     

NVidia ha rilasciato il SDK 3.1 di PhysX, download a partire da questa pagina del PhysX Developer Support


  • VC10 support has been introduced.
  • VC8 support has been discontinued.
  • Namespaces cleaned up.
  • Extensions, Character Controller and Vehicle source code made available in binary distribution.
  • Added x86,x64 suffix to PxTaskCUDA.dll
  • Removed boolean return value from PxScene::addActor(…), and similar API calls.
  • Added Mac OS X, Android and Linux to the list of supported platforms. See Supported Platforms below for details.
  • Upgraded GPU tech to CUDA 4.
  • Cleaned up a large number of warnings at C++ warning level 4, and set SDK to compile with warnings as errors.
  • Removed individual sample executables in favor of SampleAllInOne from PC and console builds.
  • Fixed alpha blending in samples.
  • Simplified some code in samples.
  • Improved ambient lighting in samples.
  • Made samples work with older graphics cards.
  • Renamed some XBOX 360 specific files and folders.
  • Improved and added more content the user’s guide.
  • No longer passing NULL pointers to user allocator to deallocate.
  • Various improvements to Foundation and classes shared with APEX.

Rigid Bodies

  • Rigid Body: High performance alternative convex narrow phase code available to source licensees. See PERSISTENT_CONTACT_MANIFOLD in the code.
  • Significant advancements in the continuous collision detection algorithm.
  • Optimizations and robustness improvements for articulations.
  • Added some helper code to the API.
  • Added sleep code for articulations.
  • Added support for vehicles with more than one chassis shape.
  • Solver iteration count for articulations.
  • Articulation limit padding configurable.
  • The reference count of meshes does now take the application’s reference into acount as well and thus has increased by 1 (it used to count the number of objects referencing the mesh only). Note that a mesh does only get destroyed and removed from the list of meshes once the reference count reaches 0.
  • Fixed autowake parameter sometimes being ignored.
  • Constraint solver optimizations.
  • Improved behavior of character controller on steep slopes.
  • Binary serialization now saves names.
  • Removed some descriptors from API.
  • Removed the angular velocity term in the joint positional drive error formula.
  • Fixed bug in capsule sweep versus mesh.
  • Fixed a crash bug in the tire model.
  • Fixed crashing of single link articulations.
  • Fixed bug related to removing elements of an aggregate.
  • Fixed swapped wheel graphs in sample vehicle.
  • Fixed some slow moving bodies falling asleep in midair.
  • Fixed missing collisions after a call to resetFiltering.
  • Fixed broken autowake option in setAngularVelocity.
  • Fixed D6 joint linear limits being uninitialized.
  • A large number of misc. bug fixes and optimizations.
  • Improved documentation and error messages associated with running out of narrow phase buffer blocks.
  • Added articulation documentation.
  • Expanded manual sections on joints.
  • Improved reference doc for PxSceneQueryHitType.
  • Added reference doc for PxSerializable.


  • Particle index allocation removed from SDK. Added index allocation pool to extensions.
  • Replaced GPU specific side band API PxPhysicsGpu and PxPhysics::getPhysicsGpu() with PxParticleGpu.
  • Memory optimizations on all platforms and options to reduce memory usage according to use case with new per particle system flags:
  • Fixed rare crash appearing with multi-threaded non-GPU particle systems and rigid bodies.
  • Fixed particles leaking through triangle mesh geometry on GPU.
  • Fixed fast particles tunneling through scene geometry in some cases.
  • Fixed erroneous collision of particles with teleporting rigid shapes (setGlobalPose).
  • Fixed particle sample behavior with some older GPU models.
  • Fixed a GPU particle crash bug.


  • A new solution for simulating cloth and clothing.


  • Deformables are deprecated and will be removed in the next release. There is a new optimized solution for clothing simulation (see documentation on PxCloth for details).
Mar 04 Ott 2011     

Rilasciata la terza beta di PC-BSD 9.0

Notable changes in this release:

  • Fix issue enabling flash plugin after installation
  • Fix bug with handbook not launching in LXDE
  • Fix issue performing updates on ZFS systems with separate /boot UFS partition
  • Add lxmenu-data port, which provides nicer LXDE menu framework
  • Fix enabling ibus from GDM
  • Include "mga" driver in base
  • Add option to install only "openbox" as a window-manager
  • Fix bug doing PBI patching and checking the FreeBSD version
  • Improve PBI manager allowing ~/bin entries to point to wrapper scripts
  • Fix bug upgrading and installing the nvidia driver
  • Fix bugs installing from LIVE mode

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Mar 28 Giu 2011     

Annunciato il rilascio di PCLinuxOS 2011.6 per sistemi a 32 e a 64 bit.

"PCLinuxOS KDE 2011.6 for 32-bit and 64-bit computers is now available for download. The Linux kernel was updated to version Additional kernels are available from our repositories such as a PAE kernel for computers with more than 4 GB of memory. A BFS kernel for maximum desktop performance and a standard kernel with group scheduling enabled. X.Org Server was updated to version 1.10.2. Mesa updated to 7.10.3 and libdrm to version 2.4.26. These updates bring enhancements to the PCLinuxOS desktop including speed, 3D desktop support for most Intel, NVIDIA and AMD/ATI video cards, better font rendering, black screen fixes for most NVIDIA cards, better Flash playback and more."

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Sab 05 Feb 2011     

Rilasciata la terza release candidate di PC-BSD 8.2

In addition to some fixes in response to previous 8.2 testing snapshots, RC2 contains the following software components:

  - FreeBSD 8.2RC3
  - KDE 4.5.5
  - Xorg 7.5
  - Nvidia Driver 260.19.29
  - Nvidia Driver 173.14.25
  - Nvidia Driver 96.43.16

Le note di rilascio sono disponibili a questa pagina. Download a partire dai mirror indicati a questa pagina.

Gio 27 Gen 2011     

Annunciato il rilascio di Sabayon Linux 5.5, nome in codice "Fermi".

  • More than 1000 updated packages since Sabayon 5.4 and more than 100 bugs (stability, usability and performance) fixed
  • Shipped with Desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.37 (Group Scheduling patch, Tuxonice, AUFS2.1) and Glibc 2.11
  • Cutting-edge X.Org Graphics stack (mesa-7.10 + xorg-server-1.9 + 2.6.37 kernel = KMS enabled, Gallium3d, best performance with OSS drivers)
  • Providing the best AMD/ATI and NVIDIA Linux Desktop out-of-the-box experience out there
  • Providing extra Server-optimized, OpenVZ-enabled, Vserver-enabled kernels in repositories
  • Installable in 10 minutes
  • Slightly faster boot time compared to Sabayon 5.4
  • Ext4 filesystem as default, btrfs (experimental), encrypted (luks) filesystem support
  • Containing GNOME 2.32 (getting ready for GNOME 3.0) and KDE 4.5.5 (KDE 4.6.0 will be available through updates)

Download a partire dai mirror indicati a questa pagina, o direttamente da questi link

Sabayon_Linux_5.5_x86_K.iso (2,010MB, torrent),
Sabayon_Linux_5.5_x86_G.iso (1,543MB, torrent),
Sabayon_Linux_5.5_amd64_K.iso (2,173MB, torrent),
Sabayon_Linux_5.5_amd64_G.iso (1,694MB, torrent).

Lun 03 Gen 2011     

Rilasciata la versione 2.0.0 di SystemRescueCd, LiveCD basato sulla distribuzione linux Gentoo che dispone di numerosi strumenti utili per riparare sistemi danneggiati

  • Standard kernels based on the Long-Term-Supported 2.6.35 kernel (
  • xf86-video-nouveau is the new default video driver for Nvidia cards
  • Updated GNU Parted to version 2.3 with patches from Ubuntu-10.10
  • Updated GParted to 0.7.1 (fixes names with dmraid and mount points paths)
  • Updated fsarchiver to 0.6.12 (fixes possible problems to save the rootfs)
  • Updated initramfs software (programs involved in the boot process)
  • Updated aufs filesystem to version 2.1 (another union file system)
  • Updated xorg-server to 1.9.3 (graphical server and drivers)
  • Updated Network-Manager programs to new major version 0.8.x
  • Dropped alternative graphical server (Xfbdev) which is not supported
  • Added a 64bit version of memtester (/usr/sbin/memtester-64bit)

Download da questa pagina, o direttamente da questo link: systemrescuecd-x86-2.0.0.iso (280 MB).
