Mar 25 Nov 2014     

La capitalizzazione di mercato di Apple ha raggiunto in questa settimana il record di 700 miliardi di dollari. Un valore mai raggiunto prima da nessun gruppo americano. Basti pensare che la capitalizzazione di mercato di tutta la Borsa Italiana raggiunge i 500 miliardi di dollari circa. L'azienda di Cupertino quasi "doppia" il valore di Exxon, il secondo gruppo con capitalizzazione di mercato pari a 405 miliardi di dollari. Mentre Google arriva a 367 miliardi di dollari circa di capitalizzazione.

Gio 14 Nov 2013     

Nuovo update per il canale dev di Google Chrome

The Dev Channel has been updated to 33.0.1707.0 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

This release fixes a number of crashes and other bugs. A full list of changes is available in the SVN log.
Mer 13 Nov 2013     

Nuovo update per lo stable channel di Google Chrome

Chrome has been updated to 31.0.1650.48 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Chrome Frame.

Flash Player has been updated to 11.9.900.152, which is included w/ this release.

This update includes 25 security fixes.

A full list of changes is available in the SVN log.
Mar 01 Ott 2013     

Nuovo update per Chrome, browser di Google

The Chrome team is excited to announce the promotion of Chrome 30 to the Stable channel for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Chrome Frame. Chrome 30.0.1599.66 contains a number of fixes and improvements, including:

  • Easier searching by image
  • A number of new apps/extension APIs
  • Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance
Gio 01 Ago 2013     

Nuovo update per il Chrome, browser di Google

The Stable channel has been updated to 28.0.1500.95 for Chrome Frame, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. This commonly occurs if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet fixed.
This update includes 11 security fixes. Below, we highlight some fixes that were either contributed by external researchers or particularly interesting. Please see the Chromium security page for more information.
Mer 05 Giu 2013     

Nuovo aggiornamento per il browser di Google, Chrome

The Stable channel has been updated to 27.0.1453.110 for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Chrome Frame platforms.

Gio 30 Mag 2013     

Google ha realizzato un nuovo layout per il suo servizio di posta elettronica GMail

Mer 12 Dic 2012     

Update della versione stabile di Chrome, browser sviluppato da Google

The Stable channel has been updated to 23.0.1271.97 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and ChromeFrame platforms. This build contains the following fixes:

  • Some texts in a Website Settings popup are trimmed (Issue: 159156)
  • Linux: selection renders white text on white bg in apps (Issue: 158422)
  • some plugins stopped working (Issue: 159896)
  • Windows 8: Unable to launch system level chrome after self destructing user-level chrome (Issue: 158632)
Mer 05 Dic 2012     

Nuova versione beta per il browser Chrome di Google

The Beta channel has been updated to 24.0.1312.32 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Chrome Frame. This build contains following updates:

  • Fixed crashes like 161858, 158747, 156878
  • Fixed graphical corruption in Dust.
  • Fixed print preview in Windows 8 mode.
  • Fixed scrolling issue.
Gio 11 Ott 2012     

Nuovo update per Chrome, browser sviluppato da Google

The Stable channel has been updated to 22.0.1229.94 for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Please see the Chromium security page for more detail. Note that the referenced bugs may be kept private until a majority of our users are up to date with the fix. Full details about what's in this release are available in the SVN revision log.