Mer 31 Lug 2013     

Rilasciata la RC2 di phpMyAdmin 4.0.5

Welcome to the second release candidate for phpMyAdmin 4.0.5, a bugfix and security fix release. (not yet released)
- bug #3977 Not detected configuration storage
- bug #3970 Pressing enter in the filter field reloads page
- bug #3984 Cannot insert in this table (PHP < 5.4)
- bug #3989 Reloading privileges does not update the interface
- bug #3960 NavigationBarIconic config not honored
- bug #3985 Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding
- bug #4007 Analyze option not shown for InnoDB tables
- bug #4015 Forcing a storage engine for configuration storage
- bug Incorrect Drizzle 7 detection
- bug #4019 Create database if not exists (export): add an option to the interface to enable generating CREATE DATABASE and USE (false by default)
- bug #4012 Crash on CSV file import
- bug #4009 Statistic Monitor shows only last 3 digits in graph
- bug #3998 Non-permanent SQL history not working
- bug #3578 Transformations for text/plain on a BLOB column
- [security] Improved protection against cross framing, see PMASA-2013-10 + Reinstated configuration directive: AllowThirdPartyFraming
Mer 31 Lug 2013     

Rilasciata nuova versione del database MySQL 5.6.13

Mer 29 Mag 2013     

WordPress festeggia 10 anni dal suo primo rilascio

All around the globe today, people are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first WordPress release, affectionately known as #wp10. Watching the feed of photos, tweets, and posts from Auckland to Zambia is incredible; from first-time bloggers to successful WordPress-based business owners, people are coming out in droves to raise a glass and share the "holiday" with their local communities. With hundreds of parties going on today, it's more visible than ever just how popular WordPress has become.

La prima versione di WordPress, popolare CMS scritto in PHP che usa MySQL come database e rilasciato sotto licenza GPL, fu rilasciata il 27 maggio 2003 dai fondatori Matt Mullenweg e Mike Little.

Mer 19 Dic 2012     

Oracle ha annunciato il rilascio di NoSQL Database 2.0, DBMS non relazionale

New and enhanced features in Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 include:
  • Better Performance: enterprise-class elasticity with near linear scalability and under five millisecond latency enables users to dynamically grow a cluster as their data grows with no interruption in service. In recent performance tests, Oracle NoSQL Database 2.0 delivered more than a million YCSB operations per second on a 2.4 terabyte database on an 18-node commodity cluster setup. (1)
  • Automatic Rebalancing: dynamic management of compute and storage resources to maintain SLAs in response to increased demand and changing processing requirements;
  • Enhanced Manageability: a simple, easy to use web console to manage all aspects of deployment and monitoring, as well as document management and structured data management in one product;
  • New APIs: a new C API helps improve developer productivity, a new Large Object API supports efficient Large Object management, and new automatic serialization APIs simplify application development;
  • Tighter Integration with Oracle Database: Oracle Database users can view and query Oracle NoSQL Database records directly from SQL via External Tables, making NoSQL data immediately accessible and available for integrated analysis;
  • Improved Management & Monitoring Support: SNMP/JMX support enables integration with Oracle and third party management tools;
  • Improved Hadoop Integration: tighter integration with Hadoop through JSON object and schema evolution support for data storage and serialization using Avro.

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Mer 10 Ott 2012     

Rilasciata la versione 3.5.3 di phpMyAdmin software freeware scritto in PHP che consente di amministrare Database MySQL sul web

- [interface] Browse mode "Show" button gives blank page if no results anymore
- [interface] Copy Database Ajax feedback vanishes long before copying is done
- [interface] GC-maxlifetime warning incorrectly displayed
- [interface] Search fails with JS error when tooltips disabled
- [interface] Event comments not saved
- [edit] Can't enter date directly when editing inline
- [interface] Inline query editor doesn't work from search results
- [edit] BLOB download no longer works
- [config] Error in generated configuration arrray
- [GUI] Invalid HTML code in multi submits confirmation form
- [interface] Designer sometimes places tables on the top menu
- [core] Call to undefined function __() when config file has wrong permissions
- [edit] Error searching table with many fields
- [edit] Cannot copy a DB with table and views
- [privileges] Incorrect updating of the list of users
- [edit] cell edit date field with empty date fills in current date
- [edit] current_date from function drop down fails on update
- add support for Solaris and FreeBSD system load and memory display in server status

Changelog a questa pagina.

Lun 06 Ago 2012     

Oracle ha rilasciato una nuova versione del suo RDBMS MySQL

MySQL 5.5.27 is a new version of the 5.5 production release ofthe world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.27 is recommended for use on production systems.
MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity and crash recovery by default.

MySQL 5.5 also provides a number of additional enhancements including:
  • Significantly improved performance on Windows, with various Windows specific features and improvements
  • Higher availability, with new semi-synchronous replication and Replication Heart Beat
  • Improved usability, with Improved index and table partitioning, SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new Performance Schema monitoring capability.
Functionality Added or Changed:

Important Change: The YEAR(2) data type is now deprecated because it is problematic. Support for YEAR(2) will be removed in a future release of MySQL. For more information, see YEAR(2) Limitations and Migrating to YEAR(4) (

Bugs Fixed:
  • InnoDB: An assertion could be raised if an InnoDB table was moved to a different database using ALTER TABLE ... RENAME while the database was being dropped by DROP DATABASE. (Bug #13982017)
  • Sessions could end up deadlocked when executing a combination of SELECT, DROP TABLE, KILL, and SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. (Bug #60682, Bug #12636001)
Mer 22 Feb 2012     

Annunciato il rilascio di MySQL 5.5.21, nuova versione del RDMBS (Relational Database Management System) open source

MySQL 5.5.21 is a new version of the 5.5 production release of the world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.21 is recommended for use on production systems. MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity and crash recovery by default.

Functionality Added or Changed

A new CMake option, MYSQL_PROJECT_NAME, can be set on Windows or Mac OS X to be used in the project name. (Bug #13551687)

Bugs Fixed

Performance: InnoDB Storage Engine: Memory allocation for InnoDB tables was reorganized to reduce the memory overhead for large numbers of tables or partitions, avoiding situations where the "resident set size" could grow regardless of FLUSH TABLES statements. The problem was most evident for tables with large row size. Some of the memory that was formerly allocated for every open table is now allocated only when the table is modified for the first time. (Bug #11764622, Bug #57480)

Incompatible Change: An earlier change (in MySQL 5.1.62 and 5.5.21) was found to modify date-handling behavior in General Availability-status series (MySQL 5.1 and 5.5). This change has been reverted.

The change was that several functions became more strict when passed a DATE() function value as their argument, thus they rejected incomplete dates with a day part of zero. These functions were affected: CONVERT_TZ(), DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), DAYOFYEAR(), LAST_DAY(), TIMESTAMPDIFF(), TO_DAYS(), TO_SECONDS(), WEEK(), WEEKDAY(), WEEKOFYEAR(), YEARWEEK(). The previous behavior has been restored. (Bug #13458237)

InnoDB Storage Engine: A Valgrind error was fixed in the function os_aio_init(). (Bug #13612811)

InnoDB Storage Engine: The server could crash when creating an InnoDB temporary table under Linux, if the $TMPDIR setting points to a tmpfs filesystem and innodb_use_native_aio is enabled, as it is by default in MySQL 5.5.4 and higher. The entry in the error log looked like:

101123 2:10:59 InnoDB: Operating system error number 22 in a file operation.
InnoDB: Error number 22 means 'Invalid argument'.
The crash occurred because asynchronous I/O is not supported on tmpfs in some Linux kernel versions. The workaround was to turn off the innodb_use_native_aio setting or use a different temporary directory. The fix causes InnoDB to turn off the innodb_use_native_aio setting automatically if it detects that the temporary file directory does not support asynchronous I/O. (Bug #13593888, Bug #11765450, Bug #58421)

InnoDB Storage Engine: References to C preprocessor symbols and macros HAVE_purify, UNIV_INIT_MEM_TO_ZERO, and UNIV_SET_MEM_TO_ZERO were removed from the InnoDB source code. They were only used in debug builds instrumented for Valgrind. They are replaced by calls to the UNIV_MEM_INVALID() macro. (Bug #13418934)

InnoDB Storage Engine: The MySQL server could halt with an assertion error:

InnoDB: Failing assertion: page_get_n_recs(page) > 1
Subsequent restarts could fail with the same error. The error occurred during a purge operation involving the InnoDB change buffer. The workaround was to set the configuration option innodb_change_buffering=inserts. (Bug #13413535, Bug #61104)

InnoDB Storage Engine: With 1024 concurrent InnoDB transactions running concurrently and the innodb_file_per_table setting enabled, a CREATE TABLE operation for an InnoDB table could fail. The .ibd file from the failed CREATE TABLE was left behind, preventing the table from being created later, after the load had dropped.

The fix adds error handling to delete the erroneous .ibd file. This error was less likely to occur in MySQL 5.5 and 5.6, because raising the number of InnoDB undo slots increased the number of simultaneous transactions needed to trigger the bug, from 1K to 128K. (Bug #12400341)

Replication: Executing mysqlbinlog with the --start-position=N option, where N was equal either to 0 or to a value greater than the length of the dump file, caused it to crash.

This issue was introduced in MySQL 5.5.18 by the fix for Bug #32228 and Bug #11747416. (Bug #13593869, Bug #64035)

Replication: On Windows replication slave hosts, STOP SLAVE took an excessive length of time to complete when the master was down. (Bug #11752315, Bug #43460)

A query that used an index on a CHAR column referenced in a BETWEEN clause could return invalid results. (Bug #13463488, Bug #63437)

Expressions that compared a BIGINT column with any non-integer constant were performed using integers rather than decimal or float values, with the result that the constant could be truncated. This could lead to any such comparison that used <, >, <=, >=, =, !=/<>, IN, or BETWEEN yielding false positive or negative results. (Bug #13463415, Bug #11758543, Bug #63502, Bug #50756)

When the optimizer performed conversion of DECIMAL values while evaluating range conditions, it could produce incorrect results. (Bug #13453382)

When running mysqldump with both the --single-transaction and --flush-logs options, the flushing of the log performed an implicit COMMIT (see Section 12.3.3, "Statements That Cause an Implicit Commit"), causing more than one transaction to be used and thus breaking consistency. (Bug #12809202, Bug #61854)

It was possible in the event of successive failures for mysqld_safe to restart quickly enough to consume excessive amounts of CPU. Now, on systems that support the sleep and date system utilities, mysqld_safe checks to see whether it has restarted more than 5 times in the current second, and if so, waits 1 second before attempting another restart. (Bug #11761530, Bug #54035)

When used with the --xml option, mysqldump --routines failed to dump any stored routines, triggers, or events. (Bug #11760384, Bug #52792)

It was possible on replication slaves where FEDERATED tables were in use to get timeouts on long-running operations, such as Error 1160 Got an error writing communication packets. The FEDERATED tables did not need to be replicated for the issue to occur. (Bug #11758931, Bug #51196)

References: See also Bug #12896628, Bug #61790.

If an attempt to initiate a statement failed, the issue could not be reported to the client because it was not prepared to receive any error messages prior to the execution of any statement. Since the user could not execute any queries, they were simply disconnected without providing a clear error.

After the fix for this issue, the client is prepared for an error as soon as it attempts to initiate a statement, so that the error can be reported prior to disconnecting the user. (Bug #11755281, Bug #47032)

Using myisamchk with the sort recover method to repair a table having fixed-width row format could cause the row pointer size to be reduced, effectively resulting in a smaller maximum data file size. (Bug #48848, Bug #11756869)

On Windows, the server incorrectly constructed the full path name of the plugin binary for INSTALL PLUGIN and CREATE FUNCTION ... SONAME. (Bug #45549, Bug #11754014)

The stored routine cache was subject to a small memory leak that over time or with many routines being used could result in out-of-memory errors. (Bug #44585, Bug #11753187)

Il changelog completo è disponibile a questa pagina. Download a partire da questa pagina.

Ven 17 Feb 2012     

Rilasciata la versione 3.4.10 di phpMyAdmin software freeware scritto in Php che consente di amministrare Database MySQL sul web

- [interface] TextareaAutoSelect feature broken
- [export] PHP Array export might generate invalid php code
- [import] Import from ODS ignores cell that is the same as cell before
- [display] SELECT DISTINCT displays wrong total records found
- [operations] copy table data missing SET SQL_MODE=´NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO´
- [edit] Setting data to NULL and drop-downs
- [edit] Missing set fields and values in generated INSERT query
- [libraries] license issue with TCPDF (updated to 5.9.145)

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Mar 02 Ago 2011     

Rilasciata la versione 7.0.1 di NetBeans, la nuova versione è certificata per la versione finale di Java 7 rilasciata qualche giorno fa. NetBeans 7.0 era stato rilasciato ad aprile. Le note di rilascio sono disponibili a questa pagina, il download è possibile da questa pagina.

NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 is an update to NetBeans IDE 7.0 and includes the following changes:

  • Full certification on the final release of JDK 7
  • Bundle GlassFish 3.1.1 update release
  • WebLogic related enhancements
  • Significant quality increase

The following updates to the 7.0 release also apply to 7.0.1:

  • Oracle Database improvements
  • HTML5 editing support
  • Maven 3 is supported and bundled with the IDE
  • Improved support for CDI, REST services, Java Persistence, and Bean Validation
  • PHP Rename Refactoring
  • Line wrapping
  • Improved detection of external changes (native file system listening)
  • Updates to the C/C++ support (remote file system browsing, library projects running/debugging, enhanced templates/specializations)
  • Support for Git 1.7.х
  • Additional enhancements are listed at the NetBeans IDE 7.0 page
Mar 04 Gen 2011     

Rilasciata la versione 3.3.9 di phpMyAdmin, software freeware scritto in Php che consente di amministrare Database MySQL sul web. Changelog a questa pagina, download da questa pagina.
